20-SIM 4C

20-sim 4C enables rapid prototyping for control engineers. With 20-sim 4C you can run c-code on hardware to control machines and systems. 20-sim 4C imports models (c-code) from 20-sim and runs them on hardware like embedded arm boards, PC 104 systems and much more. 20-sim 4C can be used by students and professionals. With only a few mouse-clicks you can load c-code and run it on hardware. From 20-sim 4C you can start and stop the code, inspect variables and log data.

20-sim 4C is versatile. With 20-sim 4C you can do measurements, run actuators and control machines. A wide range of hardware is supported allowing you to perform every task.

20-sim 4C uses open source real-time Linux to run code on hardware. No additional license fees are charged for the deployment. You can run the code on as many copies of the hardware as you like. To find more information, please visit the 20-sim 4C website.