Digitale tweelingen, magische technologie of een illusie

Seminar Digital Twins

Seminar Digital Twins On 8 June 2022, the companies Controllab, Bachmann, VSE Industrial Automation and MSA-Service will organize a seminar about the sense and (non)sense of digital twins. The seminar will start at 12:30 in the LantarenVenster in Rotterdam. You...
Tata Steel Digital Twin

Tata Steel Digital Twin

Tata Steel Digital Twin Last month Controllab completed the creation of a digital twin for Tata Steel’s LK25 crane. Below is a short video showing off a 3D animation we made of the twin. Our digital twins are simulation models that represent real machines with a high...
Closed Loop Control

Closed Loop Control

Closed Loop Control I have wondered for some time, why so many control engineers have problems with closed loop control systems. I think the answer is that these engineers are used to manual control systems. They do not realize that the loop propagation makes closed...