About us
We are a engineering team who love exploring the frontiers of science. Because we want to know how things work and we enjoy being in control. Although we come from various backgrounds, we have one common goal. To use model-based design to help you build great products.
Controllab culture
Naturally, there are rules that must be followed. Especially when things have to be carried out efficiently. But we aren’t big fans of strict hierarchy. What’s most important to Controllab is having the best person in the right place. Therefore we have teams that can vary in size and duration. This flexibility gives us the freedom to gain new experiences and learn new things. And we are always eager to learn!
Controllab started as a spin-off of the University of Twente in 1994 with the development of the modelling and simulation package 20-sim. The first commercial version of 20-sim was released in 1995. Since then Controllab has developed 20-sim into an all-round package for the modelling and simulation of dynamic systems and the development of control systems. More information on 20-sim can be found on the website: https://www.20sim.com.

Christiaan Kleijn

Paul Weustink

Frank Groen
Software Engineer

Marcel Groothuis
Embedded Hardware Engineer

Bas Gunnink
Technical Artist

Riccardo Mengacci
Control Engineer

Hojung Nam
Technical Artist

Rohit Aggarwal
Modeling and Control Engineer

Charina Bartels
Office Manager